The Story of How Kla Klouk V2 Happens

8:19 AM

Kla Klouk was first published in Google Play Store in 2014 (New version with this link). It was a simple dices game which you can use instead of the real Kla Klouk dice that most of Asian people play it and of course, it just swipe to open/close the bowl and shake your device to rolls.

It is very popular in various countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, India... and even United State and Russia.

Today's Rating of Kla Klouk @ Play Store

We haven't updated since the last version on April 2014, until the team reform and start rolling a new idea of Kla Klouk.

The story started since around 4th quarter of 2015, team started introduce some concept from just shaking dices to have a bet option, new graphic design and other features around.

We chose Cocos2d as our SDK to implement our new Kla Klouk.
We started learning the SDK and try out our plans, there were a lot of challenge for us but thing went well until we met some technical difficulties with Cocos and the project is too big and slow... then team started to have no idea to continue.

First announcement after planning @FB, April 2015

Of course, beside doing the game that we feel in love, we also want to introduce the game development to our young people, we started a facebook page for COCOS Cambodia, hope to meet around geeks who are interesting on that platform to unlocked our difficulties. We also join with Cambodian teams who love doing game, there was a Barcamp Phnom Penh session called: Meet Game Developer in Cambodia in October 2015 at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), we were there sharing our passion over the game development, tip, how to get started etc.

It's like a long rest for us for game development.

As time being, between me and JT, our game lead, game dev. expert, keep sometimes discussing on let's back to game development, to complete our Kla Klouk and one day, he came with a surprise for me:


That's really a surprise, how fast we can from our graphics plan of Cocos2d to Unity in a very short time with C# programming skill. We have a new Kla Klouk (Made with Unity!)

New Dashboard of Kla Klouk (V2)

Let's checkout some of our new Kla Klouk.

Solo Game

We still keep solo game, a simple shaking dices, it's still fun while we use that to play among family and friends.

Solo Game

Let's bet on the board

You can bet for fun with the money you have, to test how clever you are to handle the algorithm of our Kla Klouk, let's bet and share for fun.

Let's bet
You need more money? No worry, we have a feature to help you on the right side, you can earn easily from that to use in game. And more options will come in the future.

What's else?

We have an option for the game such as mute, changing the board color or background and even you want to use your currency such as $, Euro, Khmer Riels, Vietnam Dong or Thai Baht etc.

Don't wait...

Download the new Kla Klouk now at Google Playstore.
Want to reach us:

We do hope this game could bring all your family and friend around to gather and have fun.
Especially this upcoming new year.

Happy New Year, 2017!

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